Xero will be conducting essential system maintenance on the VAT feature from 9:00 pm UTC until 10:00pm UTC on Sunday, 16th February 2025. Customers will be unable to view or file VAT returns during this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Posted on
Feb 10, 2025 - 09:19 UTC
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 8, 23:00 UTC
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 7, 09:00 UTC
Update -
We will be undergoing scheduled maintenance during this time.
Feb 6, 01:41 UTC
Scheduled -
SuperChoice is undertaking scheduled maintenance from 8pm Friday 7 February to 12pm Sunday 9 February AEDT. Super batch payments and auto super registration will be unavailable during this time. For more information, check the SuperChoice Status page: https://superchoice-prod.superchoice.com.au/
Feb 6, 01:09 UTC
Resolved -
Adobe has resolved the issue impacting Xero customers trying to send document packs for signing in Xero HQ, and customers being unable to sign documents.
We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.
Feb 5, 02:06 UTC
Identified -
We are aware customers are experiencing errors when requesting a signature from Document Packs in Xero. Customers attempting to sign a document pack are also impacted.
This relates to an issue that Adobe is experiencing. For more information, please see their Status Page status.adobe.com.
Resolved -
Our team has resolved the issue impacting customers trying to log into Xero. This was caused by third-party supplier issues.
When there’s an issue with our third-party suppliers, we work closely with them to understand the impact and push for a resolution as quickly as possible.
We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.
Jan 30, 23:48 UTC
Monitoring -
Our team has implemented a fix and we are currently monitoring the results.
Status Last Reviewed: 11:38pm UTC
Jan 30, 23:39 UTC
Investigating -
We are aware customers trying to log into Xero are experiencing an error message. Our team is investigating this with urgency.
Status Last Reviewed: 11.29pm UTC
Jan 30, 23:29 UTC
Resolved -
Our team has resolved the issue impacting AU customers who were unable to create Business Activity Statements in Xero, and partners using Xero Tax/Practice Manager having issue with prefilling tax statement information. We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.
Our technical team identified this was caused by poor network connectivity.
Jan 30, 06:56 UTC
Monitoring -
Our team has implemented a fix and we are currently monitoring the results.
Status Last Reviewed: 6:11am UTC
Jan 30, 06:12 UTC
Investigating -
We are aware some AU customers are unable to create Business Activity Statements in Xero. We're also aware that partners using Xero Tax/Practice Manager will be experiencing issues with prefilling tax statement information.
Our team is investigating this with urgency.
Status Last Reviewed: 5:35 am UTC
Jan 30, 03:52 UTC